Friday, August 04, 2006

I have a new niece!

My brother Andy and sister-in-law Kara celebrate the birth of Shiloh Lorena, born last night on Kara's birthday! Andy and Kara have now been blessed with five children, and Tommy with his 10th cousin, making him one of 11... (plus my cousin has two little boys, and my Aunt has a little girl and another baby on the way. Her little girl is younger than Tommy, so it is almost like they are cousins... ) And just because I think it's an odd coincidence, our family started out with seven boys in a row, and after that there were four girls in a row. Jessi is due with her third child (gender unknown) in December. We'll see if the trend continues!

...Congratulations Andy, Kara, William, Gurion, Samuel, and Beatrice! Many blessings to you all!

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