Monday, November 06, 2006

I missed it.

My blogiversary, that is. It was yesterday. What does one do on one's blogiversary? I guess this is it.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I had to say today. I would post my Saturday Sky pic, but I snapped it in the only 2 minutes I was home on Saturday, and it didn't come out well. Maybe next weekend.

I could tell you that I made a fourth sweater ornament, but you are probably getting tired of them, aren't you? I won't photograph this one just yet. It still has to be decorated and might make its way into a Christmas card, so it will have to wait. Those little things are addictive -especially when I have two unopened books that need to be studied for next Friday's exam. I mean, really, when you think about knitting lots of little sweaters you probably just think "Why?" but when given the choice between reading two books titled Managing Bodily Injury Claims and Principle's of Workers' Compensation Claims or making cute little sweaters, what would you choose? Right. I SO don't want to read about insurance when I handle it all day every day already. But then this is my own doing. Hey, when I'm done I will have my AIC. I'll bet you don't even know what that is. Yeah, it's pretty pointless. Oh well. :)

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