Friday, March 03, 2006


I'm at home today, sick. I just woke up from a very cold and uncomfortable nap on the couch. The only reason I got up was because I needed warmth and couldn't reach the thermostat. I'm now wearing 3 shirts, one of which is one of Brian's warm sweatshirts, jeans, thick socks, and blanket on my lap that I've folded over 4 times for layering! I don't usually turn the heat up past 68 degrees. In fact we leave it at 64 or 65 when we're gone and at night - and only turn it up to 68 if one of us is noticeably cold. Today, however, I took the liberty of turning it up to 70. I'm still cold. BRRrrrrr.

I brought Thomas to daycare today, which I don't usually do if I am going to be home, but I knew I wouldn't be much fun, and he can play all day at daycare. (He has a bit a cold, himself, but he's acting completely normal.) I felt a little bad taking him in, but after that nap, and since I'm still not feeling up to par, I think it was best.

I just hope I can recoup a little before a possible dinner out tonight. Brian's father is flying in, and we all planned to meet up. I have a LOT to do this weekend, too, and most of it involves shopping for Tommy's birthday and party -and an overdue grocery shopping trip. (I might pawn that one off on Brian. Believe it or not, he often does that on his own. -I'm so spoiled, I know!)

So on that note I also have lots of work to do around the house - that I haven't done since I've been fighting this bug all week and have gone to bed at Tommy's bed time 3 nights this week. I had better find some pick-me-up and try to muster up some energy... Maybe I'll make some tea... or cocoa...

And I probably won't post again for at least a couple of days.

Then again, who knows.

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