Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween Inspiration

I don't know that I will be able to get involved in any Halloween festivities this year.  From what my doctor said on Friday there's a good chance I could be in the hospital having our next sweet baby boy, or I might even have already welcomed our tiny little bundle into this world and have to send someone out for an orange and black newborn set!  I suppose it could be pretty cool to have a Halloween birthday, although I was hoping to make it to November before having to be induced.  Only time will tell. 

Of course, I love to dream of all the fun ways to get involved in decorating and celebrating.  I'm not big on some of the ideas surrounding All Hallows Eve, but I love the time of year and think it's so much fun for the kids.  It renews some October energy in me and makes me want to share in the excitement.  I do have a glimpse of hope that maybe I will still get to carve a pumpkin this year.  (I would be sitting, after all.)  It's unlikely, but in the spirit I thought I would find some fun inspiration to share. Click on the photo for more detail.

I hope those of you who are able to take time for some festive projects will enjoy them extra for me!  Happy October!

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