Monday, May 01, 2006

Blue Flowers

I had a very long and detailed prequel to this post on Saturday. It was all about gardening and, well, basically what to do about it. Unfortunately I typed away and continued to type some more, only to hit "publish post" and watch my post disappear. It was a little frustrating, but then you'll have that. (Holy Allegheny/ADPi backflash!)

I'm going to pretend you read it and tell you what we decided to do, which was to plant flowers in a couple of railing boxes that we can take with us one day, in our dreams, when we actually buy a house of our own. I wanted to buy pre-grown flowers, but the railing planters were pricey, so I stuck with seeds this time, which should be good for educational purposes, anyway. The package says "Phacelia." I found the flowers online listed as "California Bluebell Phacelia Campanularia." I call them "Blue Flowers." This is how they are supposed to look:

I picked them because they should be very easy to grow. (It says "VERY EASY TO GROW" across the top of the seed packet.) If they grow I'll post a picture to show what they really look like. I'll probably even post a picture even if nothing comes up. After all, I'm never afraid to admit failure (or learn from it)!

We bought two packages of seeds and, in doing so, received a free package of something different that I might plant in the ground one of these days. Tommy had to have spent at least an hour digging in the yard yesterday, with his bulldozers, and all I could think was that he would love to dig up a spot for a garden. As you already know, he has the tools.

Here we are on Saturday, getting the soil ready for planting:

And here is Tommy yesterday, playing in the dirt:

I felt a little like I was gypping Tommy by limiting him to a couple of railing planters, and if we can start digging up a spot for some more flowers I bet he would be thrilled.
Off subject, we had a nice time yesterday, first walking for March of Dimes and then both playing and relaxing outside at home. I've posted a new album here and updated our site tonight. Check it out if you have time, and don't forget to sign our guest book (mostly because it has been ignored for the past three years or so). We love hearing from you, even if we haven't in years!

It's time for me to study, but I'll leave you with a picture of my boys from yesterday, at the walk. Thanks again for stopping by!

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