Thursday, August 22, 2013

I certainly don't have a green thumb, but it might not be black either. Maybe we'll call it.... purple.

I almost decided not to share yet another garden update, but in looking back I suppose a bit has changed. I've pulled up the peas (after harvesting enough to freeze some) and trained the cucumbers across the middle of the bed, essentially given up on the corn, and planted a pumpkin mound...  I'm pretty sure the onions stopped growing a while ago. :(  We only have one zucchini so far, but there is still the possibility of more.  The two zucchini plants in the back have a bit of powdery mildew, but the two in the front seem okay.  I have green beans coming out of my ears, green tomatoes on every plant (plus have harvested several ripe tomatoes already), and am still watching that one pepper grow but not yet ripen to red.  The pink flower is cosmos, from Tom's garden, and that last picture?  Well, that's not really part of my garden, but I wanted to share anyway; that's a cicada, or rather, it was; the cicada had already molted when I took the picture.  We have lots of them!  They're big.


I didn't take pictures of the hanging herb basket, but that looks more or less the same as last time, as do the plants on the deck, apart from a little more fruit.

Pretty soon it will be time to plant bulbs! And mums. I'm going to have to find a place for some mums!

Next year I am planning to grow the corn differently, re-attempt my hot peppers, add several vegetables to include broccoli and garlic, maybe fill another box with strawberries and a large planter or box with herbs... and plant an entire row of blueberry bushes!

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