Thursday, August 22, 2013

I am spoiled.

Perhaps the better word is "blessed," but either way there is just so much beauty around me. I shared some of our fun in my previous post, but it hasn't stopped. From taking a tram up to the summit of Jay Peak to visiting with family in New Hampshire, to the every day joys and challenges of parenting, I am feeling loved. Certainly I don't deserve any bit of it, but that's Jesus for you, loving us to the fullest, regardless of our inadequacy. ♥

A couple of weeks ago we made our way to the summit of Jay Peak. I was in amateur photographer heaven, except that it was all too brief. I only had time to snap a couple of photos before we had to head back inside to wait for the tram because it was so cold. I was on such a rush from the amazing views around me that I was able to ignore the temperature, but that wasn't quite so easy for the boys. They were freezing! They climbed up to the top of the highest rocks, Gabe racing up so fast he worried me a little (he has no fear) and Logan clinging to Brian the whole time, but they didn't really stop before turning back, shivering down and around the small area of rugged terrain to rush inside the cafe.

I still managed a few photos, as hurried as they were.

We'll have to go again some time and dress better so we can truly appreciate all the thoroughly breathtaking views. 

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