Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

If you live in the Northeast I hope you get a chance to play in the snow. It looks like good snowman snow. I'm trying to think of an effective way to bundle myself up so that I can take Thomas out today if at all possible. We have lots to do first, but before anything else... it's time for a little cranberry bread and some OJ to warm up our morning.

We might make more fudge later too. The chocolate butterscotch cranberry raisin fudge turned out pretty delish, but I've been itching to make traditional chocolate fudge too, and I know I can find plenty of people who will be happy to eat it right up.

I'm not going to go through last years resolutions this New Years because 2007 was far more eventful than originally expected, and I am feeling pretty good about what we all accomplished together. In 2008 my focus will be on our growing family and not only finding the best way to help provide for them/us, but to enjoy Gabe's first year, Tom's next, and my 11th-going on 12th year together with Brian.

Here's hoping for a healthy, joyful, and prosperous New Year!

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