Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Few Things

I am home with Tommy today. He usually wakes up and runs around the house, playing and getting us up. Today I came out from the bathroom and he had moved to our bed. He was just laying there. I said, "Good Morning," and he just looked at me. Then he closed his eyes and went to sleep. I came out to fix his lunch and breakfast, and instead of running in to help like he usually does, he didn't come in for a while, and when he did he just lay on the couch. I got him up long enough for breakfast, and then he just went straight back to the couch. Not my normal little Tommy. :( Hopefully a day of rest will be good for him.

I'm looking forward to a visit from my mom for Easter this year, and that has made me more excited about Easter than usual. (I still consider it the most important holiday of the year, but we tend to keep things low key on Easter.) I found this book today, and it made me want to start decorating and preparing for Easter. Doesn't that look like a terrific project? Looking at the pictures makes me miss all the art I used to do.

I've been feeling a pull, of late, to go back to art. Does anyone know of any artsy jobs for which I could apply, given that I need to earn the same income I do now, and that I do have plenty of art experience but have been somewhat removed from it for a few years? I know, I'm just dreaming. I guess sometimes I wonder why I abandoned my dreams for a while. Of course, I have no regrets. I do think, though, that I need to get more proactive about looking for and working toward a more creative line of work. I would enjoy it so much.

For now I'll just focus on all my little projects. I think I'll make egg decorating my next big project. (It's a big project only because I want to make exquisite designs, which is probably my specialty when it comes to art.)

Since finding the Plymouth Royal Bamboo yarn I have had my eye on this. I'm not sure why I like it so much. In fact, it might not look very nice on. Somewhere, though, I saw a picture of the back, and it was beautiful. I don't have enough knitting experience to make it now, but I'm not afraid to tackle a big or difficult project, and I would like to try it before too long.

I'm still working on the baby shawl. I have now used one skein of yarn. (It takes five.) I had hoped to work faster, but for some reason I have fallen asleep at Tommy's bedtime every night this week. Hopefully that won't happen tonight, and I can make some progress. I'm not sure how I like the edges... the way that it tapers is a little strange, but the pattern is very pretty. I'll post pictures soon, or at least when I'm all done.

Time for lunch, and to sit with Tommy. (He's watching a movie.) If you're bored, click here to see some Easter gift ideas and get in the mood for spring. (I swear I don't get paid by Amazon. I just happen to shop there often!)

Have a great day!

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